Entrepreneur vs Businessman
Selling anything or doing business via offline store or Facebook page or e-commerce doesn’t make everyone an entrepreneur!
If you sells others product/services, you are a general businessman.
But when you have your own product/service and you sell it to customers, only then you are an entrepreneur!
There is a difference between an entrepreneur and a general businessman.
The definition of Entrepreneur says: "A person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so."
The bigger picture of greater than normal financial risks includes lots of factors actually, it's not just money, also human resources, systems, processes, innovation, r&D etc.
Can you tell me where is greater than normal financial risks lies?
I am giving an example to simplify the difference between an entrepreneur and a general businessman:
What will you call someone who is a producer of Shoes?
Explanation: Someone who is running a factory or building a brand where he/she is doing production of shoes and then packaging, then selling it to the distributors or retailers or customers is an entrepreneur because he/she is taking the greater risks than normal businesses!
And now what will you call a general seller of Shoes I mean, Shoes Store owner?
Explanation: Who just buys the shoes from any factory or brand, then sells at the store or e-commerce is a businessman because he/she is not taking that greater risks what the entrepreneur is taking and he is just selling others product!
The thing is - every entrepreneur is a businessman but every businessman is not an entrepreneur!
Hope it helps to understand clearly now!
So, stop calling everyone an entrepreneur!!
You can also read "Learn How to be an Entrepreneur?" at this link https://uddoktagiri.com/welcome/article_details/23
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